Lakers Lose Dan Hurley in Head Coach Pursuit: A Public Rejection


LOS ANGELES -- The Lakers lost Dan Hurley on Monday.

The Lakers appear to have lost direction.

Hurley turned down the Lakers' six-year, $70 million offer.

This is not a shock.

Hurley has an opportunity to chase a third consecutive NCAA championship.

The Lakers' job may have been a poisoned chalice.

There is no guarantee that a hard-charging hire with no NBA experience, like Hurley, would have meshed well with LeBron James.

LeBron has exacting standards and a specific vision of how teams should operate.

He prefers a partnership with a head coach rather than a subordinate relationship.

A Confusing Pursuit

The Lakers seem unsure of their direction and seem uncertain about their identity.

The team embarrassed itself by chasing a risky bet in Hurley.

Being publicly turned down in a slow, visible manner diminishes the Lakers' stature.

It casts a shadow of amateurism over the franchise.

It begs the question: Why did they pursue a college coach who ultimately didn't want the job?

Hurley might have found success in Los Angeles as he is a proven winner. Scouts and front-office personnel have been notably impressed with the tactical acumen demonstrated by Hurley's UConn teams.

It remains possible that Hurley could have successfully transitioned from college basketball to NBA coaching, following in the footsteps of Brad Stevens and Billy Donovan.

However, the past does not always predict the future. Many remain skeptical about the efficacy of college head coaches at the NBA level.

A Public Rejection

Being turned down publicly is one thing; being the Lakers and turned down by a college coach is another.

JJ Redick must feel particularly stung. He exuded "I'll-confirm-my-new-head-coaching-gig vibes" on his podcast before the turn of events.

Having to go on national television and pretend he hadn't been passed over must have been difficult for him.

James Borrego found himself in an awkward limbo-meets-rejection over the past few days as he watched the Lakers' failed pursuit of Hurley.

Two Visions

The Lakers' two strongest candidates couldn't have been more different in their potential impact on the team's future.

Hurley would have represented an investment in the long term, looking beyond the LeBron era. He may have transformed three first-round picks into the foundation for a youthful, promising team.

On the other hand, Redick would have signaled a focus on optimizing LeBron's remaining years. His approach might involve leveraging those three first-round picks to trade for a star player capable of immediate impact.

These represent two very distinct visions.

A Slipshod Approach

The Lakers appear to be managing the process of hiring an NBA head coach as if they were casually scrolling through Netflix. This is far from a sound strategy to run an NBA organization.

A slipshod approach has tangible consequences.

Hurley's rejection complicates finding a suitable candidate, and the Lakers can't risk LeBron deciding to leave for another team.

LeBron possesses significant leverage and might demand a stronger say in the subsequent selection of the head coach.

Together, LeBron and the new coach might advocate for trading for another star player. This would be acceptable as a well-thought-out plan rather than an unintended consequence born from the embarrassment over Hurley.

A Plan in Disarray

The Lakers' attempt to land Hurley was shocking. But the biggest surprise is that the team Hurley rejected seems to lack a cohesive plan.

The franchise appears to lack a clear vision for future success.


"I can do better."